Bodybuilding has three levels :

  • Beginners
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

The Important of Doing Warm-ups

  • Your warmup routine can make or break your workout. A properly designed warm-up routines increase body temperature, range of motion, and activate your central nervous system. Furthermore, with the right drills, it can even help relieve muscle aches and pains.
  • A problem with most warmups is that they don’t allow you to take advantage of the benefits. A quick jog on a treadmill and a few warmup sets might break a sweat, but it won’t prime your body to move serious weight. Worse, it could lead to training injuries
  • Instead, use moves and drills that are designed to put your body in the right place — physically and mentally.


There are 3 rules : 

note: As a beginner, If you follow these rules definitely you can continue your bodybuilding journey as a successful bodybuilder 

1. Make The Gym Your Habit

2. Be Consistent In Your Training

3. Build On The Fundamentals

Fundamental Exercises: Master at least one from each category

  • Squats: Front squat, back squat, box squat,
  • Hip hinge: Trap-bar deadlift, sumo deadlift, and Romanian deadlift
  • Single-leg work: Reverse lunges, forward lunges, lateral lunges, Bulgarian split squats,
  • Pushing exercises: Bench press variations, dumbbell press variations, military press, push press, and push-ups
  • Pulling exercises: Seated cable row variations, chest-supported rows, barbell rows, single-arm dumbbell rows, chin-up sand pull-ups
  • Carries: Farmer's carry, suitcase carries, waiter carries, and cross-body carries
  • Core lifts: Pall of the press, chops, half-kneeling lifts, tall-kneeling lifts, plank variations, and roll-outs

Since you'll be doing 10-12 reps per set, choose a weight that prevents you from doing any more than 12 reps, but allows you to complete at least 10 reps.

You should grow stronger over these three weeks, so once you can exceed 12 reps with the weight you're using, increase the weight by 5 or 10 pounds.

you'll do three sets per exercise, just enough repetition to learn the exercise, yet not too much to over-extend the workout.

During this phase, you'll rest 2-3 minutes between sets. The goal is to allow enough rest for you to stick fairly close to the rep range using the same weight on all three sets. This will help you gain more size and strength. (The exception here is calves and abs, which tend to recover faster between sets. For these exercises, rest 1-2 minutes between sets).


  • The middle level has never been looked at much because people often refer to themselves as beginners or experienced bodybuilders. This makes it tough for intermediate bodybuilders to find a routine that suits their own individual experience.
  • 3-day full-body splits are meant to build muscle mass for beginners. 6-7 day isolation splits are meant to define muscle groups for the advanced.
What about for the intermediates? Well, then we would have to concentrate on building muscle mass and defining the muscle groups. In order to do so, they must use this routine:

  • Monday: target (Chest & Triceps)
  • Tuesday: target (Back & Biceps)
  • Wednesday: target (Shoulder & Traps)
  • Thursday: target (Thigh & Calves & Abs)
  • Friday: target (Chest & Triceps)
  • Saturday: target (Back & Biceps)
  • Sunday: target (Shoulder & Traps)

  1. Cardio should be done 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes on medium intensity if you are bulking.
  2. Cardio should be done 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes on medium-high intensity if you are cutting. 
  • 1 Set of warm-up on bench followed by 
  • 3 sets - (12,8,8)reps - flat bench press
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)reps - Dumbbell chest flyes
  • 3 Sets - (10,8,8)reps - Incline dumbbell press
  • 2 Sets - (10,8)reps - Weighted Dips
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)reps - Skullcrusher
  • 2 Sets - (10,8)reps - Overhead Triceps Extension
  • 1 Set of warm-up on pull-ups followed by 
  • 3 sets - (12,8,7)reps - lat pull-down
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)reps - low row3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 high row
  • 2 Sets - (8,6)reps - Barbell pullovers
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,6)reps - Deadlifts
  • 2 Sets of alternating Dumbbell Curls

  • 1 Set of warm-up on Dumbbell Military Presses followed by
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)REPS - Barbell Military Presses
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)REPS - Dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)REPS - Dumbbell front raises
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)REPS - Posterior Flies (Machine or dumbbells)
  • 2 Sets - (10,8)REPS - Dumbbell Arnold Presses
  • 3 Sets - (12,8,8)REPS - Heavy dumbbell Shrugs
  • 2 Sets - (12,8)REPS - Heavy Behind the back barbell shrugs


  • 1 Set of warm-up on Full Squats followed by 
  • 3 Sets - (12,10,8)REPS - Barbell full squats
  • 3 Sets - (15,12,8)REPS - Hamstring Curls3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy Calf raises
  • 2 Sets - (8,8)REPS - Heavy Squats on the leg press machine
  • 2 Sets - (12,8)REPS - Leg extensions
  • 2 Sets - (50,50)REPS - Crunches or as much as you can do
  • 2 Sets of Hanging leg raises (As much as you can do)

  • By doing 8-12 repetitions for each set, you will stimulate maximum hypertrophy. However, this is based on the average person. Every person responds to weightlifting differently, some better, some worse. Simply try this routine and then adjust it according to your own unique body type.


  • Warm-up sets require at least 12 repetitions depending on the size of the muscle and the amount of weight you are using.




Always stretch and warm-up before working out to decrease the risk of injury and increase ROM. Believe it or not, stretching can also increase muscle since it helps recruit maximal muscle.

  • Chest - Chest, And Front Of Shoulder Stretch
  • Shoulders - One-Handed Hang
  • Traps - All Fours Twist
  • Biceps - Doorway Stretch
  • Triceps - One-Arm Triceps Stretch
  • Wrist Flexors - Wrist Flexors Stretch
  • Wrist Extensors - Wrist Extensors Stretch
  • Back - Seated Or Standing Twist
  • Quadriceps - Seated Butterfly Stretch
  • Hamstrings - Seated Hamstring Stretch
  • Calves - The Stair Stretch
  • Abs - Overhead Stretch

Post Workout

To speed up recovery and decrease soreness in muscles, I recommend you take hot and cold showers and try to get massages.

The Split:

  • Monday - (Chest - Arms - Cardio)
  • Tuesday - (Back - Shoulders)
  • Wednesday - (Legs - Abs - Neck)
  • Thursday - (Chest - Arms - Cardio)
  • Friday - (Back - Shoulders)
  • Saturday - (Legs - Abs - Neck)
  • Sunday - (Rest Day)

Monday: (Chest - Arms - Cardio):

Morning Workout:

  • Incline Barbell Bench Press - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Flat Barbell Bench Press - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Flat Dumbbell Flyes - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Standing Cable Cross-overs - 4 x (15,12,8,6)

Afternoon Workout:

  • Standing EZ-bar Curls - (4,15,12,8,6) superset with Lying EZ-bar Triceps Ext -  (4,15,12,8,6)
  • Standing Dumbbell Curls - (4,15,12,8,6) superset with Seated EZ-bar Triceps Ext - (4,15,12,8,6)
  • Concentration Curls -  (4,15,12,8,6) superset with Triceps Pushdowns - (4,15,12,8,6)
  • Barbell Wrist Curls -  (3,12,8,6) superset with Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls - (3,12,8,6)

Tuesday: (Back - Shoulders):

Morning Workout:

  • Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Close-grip Lat Pull-downs - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Barbell Rows - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Seated Cable Rows - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Deadlifts - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Hyperextensions - 3 x (15) 

Afternoon Workout:

  • Seated Barbell Military Presses - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Standing Lateral Raises - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Reverse Fly - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Barbell Shrugs -  4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Dumbbell Shrugs -  4 x (15,12,8,6) 

Wednesday: (Legs - Neck):

Morning Workout:

  • Seated Leg Extensions - 4 x (20,15,12,8) superset with Standing Leg Curls - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Leg Presses - 4 x (20,15,12,8) superset with Seated Leg Curls - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Barbell Squats - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Standing Calf Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Leg Press Toe Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Seated Calf Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)

Afternoon Workout:

  • Crunches - 3 x (25)
  • Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x (25)
  • Seated Neck Resistance - 3 x (15)
  • Standing Neck Resistance - 3 x (15)

Thursday- (Chest - Arms - Cardio):

Morning Workout:

  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Decline Barbell Bench Press - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Pec-Deck Flyes - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Machine Flyes - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Cable Cross-overs - 4 x (15,12,8,6)

Afternoon Workout:

  • Standing Dumbbell Curls - 4 x (15,12,8,6)  superset with Seated Dumbbell Triceps Ext - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Lying Cable Curls - 4 x (15,12,8,6) superset with Lying Dumbbell Triceps Ext - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Overhead Cable Curls - 4 x (15,12,8,6) superset with Reverse Triceps Pushdowns - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Reverse Barbell Curls - 4 x (15,12,8,6) 
  • Perform any kind of cardio for 30 to 60 minutes.

Friday: (Back - Shoulders):

Morning Workout:

  • Pull-ups - 3 x (12)
  • Lat Pull-downs -  4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Barbell Rows - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Dumbbell Rows - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Deadlifts - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Hyperextensions - 3 x (15) 

Afternoon Workout:

  • Seated Barbell Military Presses - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Cable Lateral Raises - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Bent-Over Lateral Raises - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Smith Machine Barbell Shrugs - 4 x (15,12,8,6)
  • Upright Rows - 4 x (15,12,8,6)

Saturday: (Legs - Neck)

Morning Workout:

  • Seated Leg Extensions - 4 x (20,15,12,8) superset with Seated Leg Curls - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Barbell Lunges - 4 x (20,15,12,8) superset with Lying Leg Curls - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Barbell Squats - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Standing Calf Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Donkey Calf Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)
  • Seated Calf Raises - 4 x (20,15,12,8)

Afternoon Workout:

  • Crunches - 3 x (25)
  • Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x (25)
  • Seated Neck Resistance - 3 x (15)
  • Standing Neck Resistance - 3 x (15)

Sets :

  • This program is high volume so expect plenty of sets. 4 sets per exercise will stimulate growth and strength.

Reps :

  • Reps decrease each set since you will be increasing the weight each time. You will be performing both low and high reps to get size and endurance.

Rest :

  •  Rest 60 to 90 seconds in between sets to ensure your muscles fully recover for the upcoming sets.

Injury Prevention

  • One of the most common injuries has to do with the rotator cuff muscles, especially when getting to the advanced level.

  1. Decrease chances of injury
  2. Increase weight in certain lifts
  3. Increase upper back muscle size
  4. Develop better posture